Tuesday, April 11, 2017

the Afterlife?

Quick Semi-Exhaustive Biblical References 

               to the Immediate Afterlife

Paradise = Garden of Eden Reference: Genesis 1&2 (English rendering of Garden of Eden)
              In particular, as Adam and Eve were dismissed from
              Paradise = Garden of Eden due to sin

Paradise = the Place that Jesus was headed to with the thief who trust in Jesus on the Cross
              “today you will be with me in paradise” Reference: Luke 23:43

Paradise = Heaven Reference: Revelation 2:7
              “eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God”

Abraham’s Bosom = Eternity Reference: Luke 16:19
              A story from Jesus that relays that reality of a Heaven and a Hell as very real places.

Other References to Consider – Recorded Appearances of those who have died…

              What appeared to be the summoning of Samuel from the witch of En Dor for Saul
                            Reference: 1 Samuel 28:12-15
              David believed that his own child (newborn) after death had no way to return
                            But David was confident he would one day go to him
                            Reference: 2 Samuel 12:23
              Then there are the accounts of Enoch & Elijah who never died – but walked with God
                            & were whisked away to the afterlife without experiencing death
References: Gen. 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11
              Consider the Appearance of Moses & Elijah; Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus
                            What were the disciples witnessing of their appearance? Reference: Mathew 17
              Though they were not dead for long – the witness of Tabatha, Lazarus
                            and others who were
                            Raised back to life would lend credible testimony to the afterlife.
There is a bizarre record of other Saints being raised to life, during the earthquake at the
crucifixion. Reference: Mathew 27:51-53
              Not to mention the Appearance of Jesus in His Glorified State after the Resurrection
                            For over a period of 40 days he appeared in an after life/death/life form,
                            He ate meals, was recognized, etc…
              Remember Paul & John recorded visions that included things going on in the after (this)      
                            life.References: 2 Cor. 12:4 & Rev. 23:43
Bizarre prophetic scripture over the Two Witnesses of Revelation
               who are raised to life afterdeath.  
               Who are these two witnesses anyway? Reference Revelation 11

Also Keep in perspective Time Tables/Temporal vs. Eternal/ 
                                       finite minds of man vs infinite mind of God:

the Garden of Eden/Paraise/Heaven/New Heaven etc… may have time tables
              due to Creation / Flood / Judgement seat of Christ & White Throne Judgment /
             the eventual consumption of Hell Death being thrown into the Lake of Eternal Fire.

90 Minutes in Heaven, Heaven is for Real, and 23 Minutes in Hell ???

 Is God taking people to Heaven and Hell 
and/or giving people visions of Heaven and Hell? 
Are books such as 90 Minutes in Heaven, Heaven is for Real, 
and 23 Minutes in Hell biblically sound?

What is Abraham’s bosom?

What is Abraham’s bosom?

How is Abraham's bosom related to

paradise, heaven, hell, hades, and sheol?

What is paradise?

What is paradise? Is it different than Heaven? 
How can we be confident that there is a place called Heaven?

Sunday, April 2, 2017

HOW IT'S MADE: Christian Music


Church Hunters: Episode 2

Church Hunters: Episode 1

the Christian Family Tree

It is good to know your church roots, honor your heritage, and ask the hard questions.No church is perfect.  And if you happen to find the "perfect" church - I would suggest that you keep church hopping - because if you go there it won't be perfect anymore.  There are some major & minor differences between churches (sometimes even within their own affiliation/association).  So be on your guard, and find a church that you can be equally yoked in...

So somewhere in your near future, you may participate in a little "Church Hopping"What might you be looking for in a church?What are some poignant questions that might help you evaluate a church?

4 Early Church Pillars Acts 2:42
How do they handle the priority and authority of the scriptures?(the apostles teaching)Do they put a premium on huddling together on a regular basis?(the fellowship of the saints)What are evidences of their community/hospitality/friendliness?(the breaking of bread / communion)Is Conversation / Dependence / Allegiance with God tantamount?(Prayer)

Other Questions?Is it known for consumerism or production?Does worship vary? Traditional, Contemporary, mix?Is there a place or position where your gift mix may be utilized?Are there various ages, and maturation represented?Are there service oriented ministries to the community?Is there a missional emphasis?Is there a confirmation of the spirit working in their lives?Does the church Doctrine line up with your own ethic?What particular methods does the church employ to serve its people?Are there in potential conflicts to address?Is there a loyal core group to the fellowship?Are they operating in fiscal debt or are they debt free?

What are other questions you might ask?