Sunday, October 31, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Fall Fire @ Camp Lebanon

We are without our Large Van and Trailer,
so we will likely be car pooling... 


Info on Fall Fire via Camp Lebanon

 Sign Up / Register Here

Camp Lebanon Fall Fire Register / Sign Up Link for Staff & Students

Mobile FSM [Post Tornado]

Mobile FSM [Post Tornado] Hills 10/13 @ 7pm

Mainstreet Mile [Tornado 🌪 Edition]

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Monday, October 4, 2021


September was spent dissecting the Parables of Matthew 13
There is a common denominator to these particular parables.
That which was once hidden 
is now made known // reveal // manifest // apocalypse

Reversal of Isaiah pronouncement Isaiah 6:9
of forever deaf, blind, (dumb)
because mankind [Israel] had become like the idols they worshiped.
dehumanized, and without breath and life.

so at the core of Matt. 13 is this parable of the farmer
who goes out and sows his seed on Four different types of terrain.
The cultivation of soil to which each of these seeds fell on...
well they determined the outcome of 
how well the seed would do 

Has the reality of God's Kingdom & the seed of His Son Jesus
transformed / brought regenerative lasting life...

what was once Hidden - now has a chance to miraculously mature

Mustard Seed
Leaven [Yeast]
Wheat & Tares [Weed]

Hidden Treasure
Costly Pearl

The Farmer Sowing his Seed upon Four Terrains
Seed that falls upon the PATH [road]
Seed that falls upon the ROCKS
Seed that falls among the THORNS
Seed that falls upon cultivated SOIL


Farmer goes out to sow a field ??? 
some light hearted satire - before we tackle the truth.