Tuesday, April 11, 2017

the Afterlife?

Quick Semi-Exhaustive Biblical References 

               to the Immediate Afterlife

Paradise = Garden of Eden Reference: Genesis 1&2 (English rendering of Garden of Eden)
              In particular, as Adam and Eve were dismissed from
              Paradise = Garden of Eden due to sin

Paradise = the Place that Jesus was headed to with the thief who trust in Jesus on the Cross
              “today you will be with me in paradise” Reference: Luke 23:43

Paradise = Heaven Reference: Revelation 2:7
              “eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God”

Abraham’s Bosom = Eternity Reference: Luke 16:19
              A story from Jesus that relays that reality of a Heaven and a Hell as very real places.

Other References to Consider – Recorded Appearances of those who have died…

              What appeared to be the summoning of Samuel from the witch of En Dor for Saul
                            Reference: 1 Samuel 28:12-15
              David believed that his own child (newborn) after death had no way to return
                            But David was confident he would one day go to him
                            Reference: 2 Samuel 12:23
              Then there are the accounts of Enoch & Elijah who never died – but walked with God
                            & were whisked away to the afterlife without experiencing death
References: Gen. 5:24; 2 Kings 2:11
              Consider the Appearance of Moses & Elijah; Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus
                            What were the disciples witnessing of their appearance? Reference: Mathew 17
              Though they were not dead for long – the witness of Tabatha, Lazarus
                            and others who were
                            Raised back to life would lend credible testimony to the afterlife.
There is a bizarre record of other Saints being raised to life, during the earthquake at the
crucifixion. Reference: Mathew 27:51-53
              Not to mention the Appearance of Jesus in His Glorified State after the Resurrection
                            For over a period of 40 days he appeared in an after life/death/life form,
                            He ate meals, was recognized, etc…
              Remember Paul & John recorded visions that included things going on in the after (this)      
                            life.References: 2 Cor. 12:4 & Rev. 23:43
Bizarre prophetic scripture over the Two Witnesses of Revelation
               who are raised to life afterdeath.  
               Who are these two witnesses anyway? Reference Revelation 11

Also Keep in perspective Time Tables/Temporal vs. Eternal/ 
                                       finite minds of man vs infinite mind of God:

the Garden of Eden/Paraise/Heaven/New Heaven etc… may have time tables
              due to Creation / Flood / Judgement seat of Christ & White Throne Judgment /
             the eventual consumption of Hell Death being thrown into the Lake of Eternal Fire.