Sunday, April 2, 2017

the Christian Family Tree

It is good to know your church roots, honor your heritage, and ask the hard questions.No church is perfect.  And if you happen to find the "perfect" church - I would suggest that you keep church hopping - because if you go there it won't be perfect anymore.  There are some major & minor differences between churches (sometimes even within their own affiliation/association).  So be on your guard, and find a church that you can be equally yoked in...

So somewhere in your near future, you may participate in a little "Church Hopping"What might you be looking for in a church?What are some poignant questions that might help you evaluate a church?

4 Early Church Pillars Acts 2:42
How do they handle the priority and authority of the scriptures?(the apostles teaching)Do they put a premium on huddling together on a regular basis?(the fellowship of the saints)What are evidences of their community/hospitality/friendliness?(the breaking of bread / communion)Is Conversation / Dependence / Allegiance with God tantamount?(Prayer)

Other Questions?Is it known for consumerism or production?Does worship vary? Traditional, Contemporary, mix?Is there a place or position where your gift mix may be utilized?Are there various ages, and maturation represented?Are there service oriented ministries to the community?Is there a missional emphasis?Is there a confirmation of the spirit working in their lives?Does the church Doctrine line up with your own ethic?What particular methods does the church employ to serve its people?Are there in potential conflicts to address?Is there a loyal core group to the fellowship?Are they operating in fiscal debt or are they debt free?

What are other questions you might ask?